Oakmount and Partners Ltd. How Warren Buffett Made $85 Billion
Posted on 14th January 2020 at 16:33
Warren Buffett has been and continues to be a role model for millions of investors across the globe. His rich investment history going back to as far as 11 years old when bought his first stock, his impressive story has been used in hundreds of speeches globally, with every investor, beginner or pro, being asked to emulate him.
However, who is Warren Buffet? In this video, we are going to look into the life of the man known as the “Oracle of Omaha”, highlighting the investments and decisions he made to become one of the richest and most respected businessmen in the world. Source: Practical Wisdom.
“Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble” ― Warren Buffett.
“At the end of the day, if you’re wasting your time by not investing in yourself, you’re going to waste away—and that would be the greatest waste of all.” ― Richie Norton.
“Nearly every time I strayed from the herd, I've made a lot of money. Wandering away from the action is the way to find the new action.”
― Jim Rogers.
“Perfection does not mean errorless. Real perfection starts with real intention and ends with delivery, all driven by seeking knowledge, trial & error and investing emotions. Whatever delivered after that is perfect .” ― Sameh Elsayed.
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