Oakmount and Partners Ltd. Best Fixed Income Investments.
Posted on 20th October 2020 at 13:53
Sculpted from experience, built for success.
We are very proud to announce that Oakmount and Partners were nominated and awarded ‘The Best for Fixed Income Investments UK’ by the Lux Life Magazine & the Hospitality Awards 2020.
To all of our clients, it's a privilege to be part of your lives both professionally and personally and this is the greatest reward we can have as a business in working with you.
Over the last 10+ years, it has been a pleasure to serve you and to continue building our well-formed relationships as we focus our firm attention towards 2021, in yielding the benefits that both Intergroup Mining and NQ Minerals deliver to each of you, and us a business.
Your success is ours, and with well-balanced communication and results that speak for themselves, we are excited about what the future holds for you and all of the people we serve in the market.
Thank you for your support, positive natures and loyalty, it means the world to us. ― Glenn King, Managing Director.
Oakmount. Uniting People with Possibilities Since 2009.
Our judging panel at Lux Life Magazine & the Hospitality Awards uses the case file built by our research team and any supporting evidence submitted by the nominee to make the decision as to who is successful in the programme.
Our dedicated researchers used merit-orientated research via the public domain, taking into consideration a number of different factors. Once finalised, the file is presented to our judges for their consideration.
To move successfully from nominee to winner there must be evidence of expertise within a given field, dedication to customer service and client satisfaction with an ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation.
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Oakmount and Partners Ltd. Est 2009.
Sculpted from experience, built for success.
Tagged as: ambition, Andrew Carnegie, aptitude, asset backed, assets, character, Charlie Munger, customercare, customerservice, drive, education, established, fixed-income, focus, Glenn King, Grant Cardone, growth, integrity, Intergroup mining, investing, investment, knowledge, money ideas, money matters, money tips, Napoleon Hill, NQ Minerals, oakmountandpartners, positivity, principles, professionalism, property, property development, Ray Dalio, reputation, resilience, secured, security, service excellence, success, trust, Warren Buffett, wealth, wealth creation, Zig Ziglar
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