Posts from October 2023

Sculpted from experience, built for success. 
Rising Above Slander and Defamation: 
In life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles on our path to success. Some people embrace competition and rise to the occasion, while others resort to a more unsavoury approach when they can't compete on merit. One such approach is slander and defamation. 
The Nature of Slander: 
Slander and defamation occur when individuals, either out of jealousy, insecurity or a sense of inadequacy, attempt to tarnish someone's reputation by spreading false or damaging information about them.  
These actions are not only unethical but can also have far-reaching consequences. 
Sculpted from experience, built for success. 
In recent months, we've been diligently revamping Oakmount, gearing up for the next phase of our journey.  
These changes signify our strategic evolution as we introduce our exclusive offering. 
Behind the scenes, we've been making substantial operational enhancements. We've welcomed strategic additions to our management team, integrating cutting-edge CRM and automation tools to fortify our systems. We've also engaged top-tier specialist partners to uphold the highest governance and compliance standards. 
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