Posts from July 2020

Sculpted from experience, built for success. 
We are very proud to announce that Oakmount and Partners Ltd was nominated as the Winner for the 'Best Corporate Investment Consultancy 2020' by the SME UK Enterprise Awards 2020. 
The 2020 UK Enterprise Awards are based on merit, not the number of votes received.  
The SME process works to ensure that we reward parties based on their excellence in the industry, the quality of their products and their dedication to customer service. 
To move successfully from nominee to winner, there must be evidence of extensive expertise and skills, dedication to customer service and client satisfaction with an on-going commitment to excellence and innovation demonstrated by the nominated business. 
Sculpted from experience, built for success. 
Gold had a remarkable performance in the first half of 2020, increasing by 16.8% in US-dollar terms and significantly outperforming all other major asset classes.  
By the end of June, the LBMA Gold Price PM was trading close to US$1,770/oz, a level not seen since 2012, and gold prices were reaching record or near-record highs in all other major currencies.  
For investors, this is not only keeping uncertainty levels high, but may also have a long-lasting impact on their portfolio performance. Against this backdrop, we believe that gold can be a valuable asset: it can help investors diversify risks and may positively contribute to improving risk-adjusted returns. Source: World Gold Council. 
Sculpted from experience, built for success. 
''At Oakmount, we believe in the power of synergy.'' 
When great people and organisations come together, it's like a magnetic force pulling them closer, saying to them, together we can achieve great things. 
''Over the last decade, we have proven that a passion for success and focus can deliver exceptional results.'' 
As such, we aim to deliver compelling investment opportunities and stronger return yields to boost our clients' portfolios. 
Sculpted from experience, built for success. 
Gold-backed ETFs closed H1 with a record US$40bn of net inflows. In June 2020 gold ETFs added 104t, taking global holdings to all-time highs of 3,621t.  
''Gold is long considered a beneficial asset during periods of uncertainty.'' 
Historically, it generated long-term positive returns in both good times and bad. Looking back almost half a century, the price of gold has increased by an average of nearly 12% per year since 1971. 
Over this period, gold's long-term return was comparable to stocks and higher than bonds. Source: World Gold Council. 
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