An Initial Public Offering (or IPO investment) is the act of offering up the stock of a company on a public stock exchange for investors to purchase for the first time usually at a discount to the market.
There is the potential to achieve exceptional upside from IPO investments.
IPO's are often available at low prices before listing and so upisde potential can be considerable. Investing in an IPO opportunity can be very rewarding if investors have a robust attitude and long-term outlook. Initial Public Offerings can be relatively lower risk and very transparent. This transparency allows investors to know what it is they are investing in, without any obscurity.
How Oakmount and Partners can introduce you to the right IPO Investments.
It is almost impossible to participate in an IPO investment without the help of consultants. This is because, whenever a company issues an IPO, they generally notify brokerages and consultancy firms only. It is then the job of the consultants to tell their clients about the new opportunities. As well as receiving IPO investment opportunities, our dedicated and knowledgeable team will also be able to help you in the following ways:
We aim to find the best IPO opportunities suited just for you.
First and foremost, our goal is to get to know you as much as possible. This allows us to build highly personalised portfolios that we can then use to identify and pick out Pre-IPO's that we know you are likely to be interested in.
We search for new opportunities all the time using a detailed IPO investment strategy and due diligence process, which we believe is pivotal to sound investment.
By Gauging IPO's as they come on risk and lucrativeness.
Our experts will evaluate the management and company issuing the IPO by looking at the business model and the future plans closely.
We do so in order to better undertand their medium to long term strategy they have as an organisation.
This will help our expert consultants determine the investing risks (i.e. how risky) the IPO opportunity is likely to be.
Provide you with an IPO investment guide to help you get the best investment returns.
IPO's can be complex without lots of help.
Our consultants will monitor the opportunities as they arise closely, as well as any fluctuations in the market, in order to provide you with the most lucrative, logical, and informed steps to make on your investment choices.
Oakmount and Partners is a truly global company
Our consultants have the contacts, knowledge, and the tools to explore IPO's as they are issued all over the world, and to introduce them to clients likely to be interested.